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Promoting Collaboration with Scholars in Latin America

Dr. Merlin Franco, Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (IAS @ UBD), recently presented a paper for the International Online Conference on Ethnobiology (Conferência Internacional Online de Etnobiologia) organized by Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa (UFPB) in Brazil.

Dr. Franco’s presentation was on “Exploring opportunities for collaboration between ethnobiologists from Latin America and Southeast Asia.”

Given the similarities between the tropical rainforest ecosystems of Latin America and Southeast Asia, there is indeed much that scholars can collaborate on, and in his talk Dr. Franco highlighted ways to do this. The participants of the conference agreed, leaving comments like “excelente apresentação” (excellent presentation)!

Dr. Franco’s talk is available for viewing below.

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