Since 2012, IAS has organised several key conferences and workshops for scholars in the region.
July 2018
Southeast Asia
IAS-Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) conference on “Changing Research Styles, Methodologies and Perspectives on Southeast Asia”
January 2017
Muslim Economy
IAS-UBD Workshop on Muslim Economy and Consumption at University of Brunei Darussalam
June 2016
Joint collaborative workshop with the Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries (CCRNC) at Fudan University: “The Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI)”
September 2015
Migration Discourse
Joint Research Workshop with Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: “Reframing Migration Discourse in Asia and the Middle East: Issues of Inclusion and Exclusion”
March 2015
Human Development
Joint Seminar with the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS, Kyoto University) and the Southern Institute of Social Sciences (SISS, Vietnam): “Tenets of Human Development in Southeast Asia”
June 2016
Joint collaborative workshop with the Center for China’s Relations with Neighboring Countries (CCRNC) at Fudan University: “The Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes (NACAI)”
April 2014
Mobility in Southeast Asia
November 2013
South China Sea
October 2013
Borneo Studies
The Borneo Studies Inaugural Meeting and Graduate Studies Workshop
December 2012
Human Insecurities
The 10th ASEAN Inter-University Seminar: “Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia”