Seminar on Efficient Dispute Resolution

On 29 May 2024, Brunei Darussalam Arbitration Centre held a seminar entitled “Towards A More Efficient Dispute Resolution: Best Practice in Asia and Beyond”. In this event, IAS Eminent Visiting Professor Dr Michael Hwang SC delivered a keynote lecture on "Guerilla Warfare in International Arbitration". The lecture was followed by a panel session by Dr Hwang, Professor Luke Nottage (also IAS Eminent Visiting Professor), Mr David Ravenscroft and IAS Assistant Professor Dr Nobumichi Teramura. 

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Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration: Book Launch and Symposium

On 28 May 2024, the Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (IAS @ UBD) co-organised a conference, “Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration: Book Launch and Symposium” with UBD School of Business and Economics (SBE) and the Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) at the Golden Jubilee Hall in the Law and Courts Building in Bandar Seri Begawan.  The IAS-SBE International Symposium on “Academic Perspectives on Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment in the Asia-Pacific Region” on 29 May 2023 has culminated in a conference volume entitled “Corruption and Illegality in Asian Investment Arbitration (Springer, 2024)”. This AGC-IAS-SEB event celebrated…

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New Article on Arbitration and the Internet by Dr Nobumichi Teramura

Assistant Professor Dr Nobumichi Teramura, with Professor Leon Trakman (UNSW Law & Justice, Australia), published an open access journal article entitled "Confidentiality and privacy of arbitration in the digital era: pies in the sky?" in Arbitration International.  "Abstract: Confidentiality and privacy are essential components of arbitration, preceding the digital data era. This article discusses how arbitration stakeholders—arbitration institutions and associations, arbitrators, attorneys, and commercial users—have increasingly lost control over confidentiality and privacy in international commercial arbitration by adopting digital technologies provided by Internet giants, such as Microsoft, Google, Dropbox, and Zoom. Arbitration institutions and users have, often unconsciously, defined confidentiality…

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New Research Article on Migration by IAS Staff

Senior Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of Asian Studies Koh Sin Yee has recently published an open access article on “Lifestyle migrants’ urban citizenship and right to have rights” in Cities.The article uses the case of the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme during a time of crisis to highlight the scalar tensions in normative understandings of lifestyle migrants’ urban citizenship. In doing so, it challenges empowering and emancipatory accounts of (migrant) urban citizenship.

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IAS Book on Brunei makes Springer’s Research Highlights List

The volume (Re)presenting Brunei Darussalam: A Sociology of the Everyday edited by IAS Director Dk Dr Noor Hasharina Binti Pg Hj Hassan and fellow Institute colleagues Prof. Lian Kwen Fee and Assoc. Prof. Paul J. Carnegie has made Springer's influential Research Highlights List for Sociology. Their introductory chapter was included in the yearly Top Chapters section and the volume appeared in the selected Textbooks, Monographs and Edited Books section. (click on link below)Sociology | For Researchers | Springer NatureThe book has also achieved the distinction of being the most downloaded volume in the history of the IAS ‘Asia in Transition’ Book Series…

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IAS Researcher Contributes to Workshop on Southeast Asian Studies

Senior Assistant Professor and Deputy Director of the Institute of Asian Studies Koh Sin Yee was an invited speaker at the workshop entitled “Back to the Future; Academic and Social Views on Southeast Asian Studies”, held on 22 June 2024 in Guangzhou. The workshop was organised by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, South China Normal University.Read more about the workshop here.

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Working Paper on Covid-19 and Post-Covid Transitions

The Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam is pleased to announce the publication of IAS Working Paper No 79: Covid-19 and Post-Covid Transitions: Case Material from the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in a Southeast Asian Context by Victor T. King.Please see below for details. Download the Working Paper Abstract: During the past two decades, the Southeast Asian region (ASEAN) has experienced a range of serious crises affecting the tourism industry and related services, including natural and environmental disasters, epidemics and pandemics, global financial slumps, terrorist actions and political and military conflict.The latest challenge has been the “Novel Coronavirus” (Covid-19/SARS-CoV-2)…

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Seminar on Representation Quality in Video Games

The Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (IAS @ UBD) recently held a joint seminar with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) at UBD on “Learning Outcomes as a Measure of Representation in Video Games” by Norhidayati Amal Nazihah Binti Haji Yunos (FASS).For more information about the seminar, please see the flyer below.For more information, please see the flyer below.

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Working Paper on the Gulintangan and Heritage

The Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam is pleased to announce the publication of IAS Working Paper No 78: Rolling Heritage: Gulintangan as Inalienable Gift in Brunei Darussalam by Mohammad Adi and Muhammad Arafat.Please see below for details. Download the Working Paper Abstract: This paper discusses the dynamics of gulintangan inheritance in Brunei Darussalam, especially among gulintangan-owning families. We closely examine the process of maintaining this traditional musical form by bringing to light the tangible and intangible aspects of gulintangan.We argue that the family contributes significantly to maintaining this cultural heritage. Our findings suggest that the family is…

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Seminar on Borneo’s Economic Integration

The Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam (IAS @ UBD) recently held a seminar on “The Long and Winding Road to Borneo’s Economic Integration” by Associate Professor Bruno Jetin (IAS).For more information about the seminar, please see the flyer below.

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