The Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam is pleased to announce the publication of IAS Working Paper No 83: Living with Landslide Risk in Penanjong, Tutong by Hjh Nur Hazirah Hj Awang Hamdani.
Please see below for details.
Abstract: Landslides have been a concern for many residents in the Penanjong area of Tutong District. This is due largely to the proximity of their homes to the steep slope of sandstone ridges in the area. Affected residents have adapted to the condition as there is no landslide risk management for the area. The paper therefore aims to study the coping strategies of the residents. It focussed on two locations, where people are most affected. The paper employs the typology created by Sudmeier-Rieux et al. (2012) and Setiawan et al. (2014), as a basis to understand how residents cope with landslides. Data were acquired through interviews with affected residents as well as an officer in the public works department responsible for landslide response. The terrain was also examined and analysed using topographic maps and GIS. The study found that (a) landslides in the area were not deadly but impacted the affected household in terms of cost to deal with clean-up, as well as disruption to daily life activities; and that (b) response from government was slow and limited. The residents’ coping strategy could be described as passive acceptance of landslide risks, dealing with emergency and installing some preventive measures. They are generally left to deal with the landslides by themselves with limited access to government help because the authority regards landslide risk as low due to their small scale. They residents have develop coping capabilities at their own expense to deal with landslides, which appears to be triggered largely by urbanisation processes. In the main, residents were able to deal with landslide risk on their own, although some revealed that they suffer mental anxiety because of the possibility of landslides.
Hjh Nur Hazirah Hj Awang Hamdani is a Geography, Environmental and Development graduate from Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. She is a recipient of an honourable mention from the inaugural Victor. T King Prize. This paper was developed from her final-year thesis under the supervision of Gabriel Yit Vui Yong.
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