LEE Cheuk Yin
Senior Professor
PhD (Australian National University)
Dr. Lee Cheuk Yin is Senior Professor of East Asian Studies at IAS.
A former Swire Scholar and Commonwealth Scholar, his research interests include Chinese intellectual history, Chinese culture, East-Asian Confucianism, and Chinese beliefs and customs, and he has published extensively on those topics.
Dr. Lee previously served as Sub-Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Director of the Centre for Research in Chinese Studies, and Head of the Department of Chinese Studies, at the National University of Singapore.
Research Interests
• History and Culture of the Ming Dynasty
• Chinese Intellectual History
• Taoism
• East Asian Confucianism
• Chinese Culture and Chinese Moral Values
• Chinese Beliefs and Customs
Select Publications
Lee, C Y. 2015. The Centre and the Periphery: Transmission and Interaction of East Asian Civilizations 中心與邊緣:東亞文明的傳播與互動. Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.
Lee, C Y. 2004 & 2011. A Critical Biography of Qiu Jun (1421-1495) 丘濬評傳 (In Chinese). Nanjing: Nanjing University Press.
Lee, C Y. 2003. Confucian Tradition and Intellectual Changes 儒學傳統與思想變遷 (In Chinese). Asian Studies Series, No.16. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company.
Lee C Y and H X Zhao. 1997. Doing Business with China. Singapore: Co-act Media.
Lee, C Y, Alan K L Chan and Timothy Y H Tsu. 1994. Taoism: Outlines of a Chinese Religious Tradition. Singapore: Taoist Federation.
Journal Articles
Lee CY. 2022. “Individual Autonomy and Dissent in Mid Ming China: The Case of the “Four Talents of Wu.” Ming Qing Studies (Italy): 53-66.
Lee CY. 2022. “From the Sage Learning to late Ming’s Inner Sageness Learning.” Guiyang College Journal (China): 1-9.
Book Chapters
Lee CY. 2023. “The Han Kitab of Ming Dynasty Muslims and Confucianism”. In Xiang Shuchung ed., The Islamic-Confucian Synthesis: An Edited Volume, 29-46. Lexington Books.
Lee CY. 2023. “Emperor Ming Chengzu on Governance.” In Ji Xixuan eds., Collected Essays to Celebrate the 600th Anniversary of the Palace Museum, 11-26. Beijing: Palace Museum.
Lee CY. 2022. “The Muslim Art of Management: Zheng He (1371-1433) and his Maritime Expeditions.” In Khairuddin Aljunied ed., Knowledge Tradition & Civilization Essays in Honour of Professor Osman Bakar, 189-200. UK: Beacan Books.
Edited Books
Lee, CY & Santangelo P, eds. 2020. Visualising Ethnicity in the Southwest Borderlands Gender and Representation in Late Imperial and Republican China. Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY & Ji, L. eds. 2020. Sacred Site of the Nine Emperor Gods Kew Ong Yah Temple Upper Serangoon. Singapore: Superskill.
Lee, CY & Santangelo P, eds. 2020. The Culture of Love in China and Europe (Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia Vol. 8), Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY & Santangelo P., eds. 2019. Zhu Guangqian and Benedetto Croce on Aesthetic Thought (Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia Vol. 7). Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY & Santangelo P., eds. 2017. Historicizing Emotions Practices and Objects in India, China, and Japan (Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia Vol. 6), Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY & Santangelo P. eds. 2015. Feng Menglong’s Treasury of Laughs: A Seventeenth-Century Anthology of Traditional Chinese Humour (Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia Vol. 5). Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY & Santangelo P. eds. 2015. Passion, Romance, and Qing: The World of Emotions and States of Mind in Peony Pavilion (Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia Volume Vol. 4). Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY & Santangelo P, eds. 2013. Zibuyu: What the Master Would not Discuss, According to Yuan Mei (1716-1798), Vol .1&2, (Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia Volume 3). Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY & Santangelo P., eds. 2011. Shan’ge, the Mountain Songs: Love Songs in Ming China. (Emotions and States of Mind in East Asia Series, Vol.2), Leiden: Brill.
Lee, CY, ed. 2010. Retrospect 25: Twenty Five Years of the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations (In Chinese). Singapore: Lingzi Media.
Lee, CY & Hsiung PC, eds. 2008. Evolving Cultural Memory in China and her Neighbours (in Chinese & English). Hong Kong: Educational Publishing Co.