Associate Professor Liam C. Kelley of the Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam has co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Vietnamese Studies.
Entitled “The Collaboration Project between Engaging With Vietnam and the Journal of Vietnamese Studies,” this special issue contains three papers from an annual multi-disciplinary conference on Vietnam called Engaging With Vietnam: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue (EWV) that Dr. Kelley co-organizes with Dr. Phan Le Ha, Senior Professor in the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE) and Director of the International and Comparative Education Research Group (ICE) at UBD.
To date, the EWV has been held 11 times, and plans are underway to hold the 12th conference in October 2020 at UBD.
The papers in this special issue were presented at the 9th Engaging With Vietnam conference that was held December 28, 2017 – January 4, 2018 in three locations: Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong Province, and An Giang Province.
The theme of the 9th conference was “Touring Vietnam: Exploring Development, Tourism, and Sustainability from Multi-disciplinary and Multi-directional Perspectives.” The conference was co-convened by professors Phan, Kelley, and Dr. Jamie Gillen from the National University of Singapore (Currently Director of the Global Studies Program at The University of Auckland). Professors Phan, Kelley, and Gillen also led the publication initiative for and co-edited this special issue.
For more information about Engaging With Vietnam, this publication initiative, and the three papers in this special issue, please read the Introduction to the special issue below.