Video Interviews

The Institute of Asian Studies is committed to making use of the digital tools of the 21st century to advance its mission of educating the citizens of Brunei and the people of the world about Asia, both past and present. The videos on this page are of conversations with leading experts on Asian societies from various disciplines (economics, sociology, education, anthropology, history) at the Institute of Asian Studies, at Universiti Brunei Darussalam, as well as visitors to the University.

By documenting the ideas and insights of these experts, and by sharing them here in digital form, the Institute seeks to make it possible for anyone interested to learn from the wealth of knowledge at the Institute of Asian Studies and at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

Victor T. King on Borneo Studies


Meredian Alam on Youth Environmental Activism in Indonesia


Zawawi Ibrahim on Transnational Scholarship in the Periphery


Stephen Druce on the Mandala and Islam in South Sulawesi


Rommel Curaming on Power and Knowledge in Southeast Asia


Johannes Kurz on Brunei in Chinese Historical Sources, the Southern Tang Dynasty and Srivijaya


Rui Oliveira Lopes on Asia in European Visual Culture, and Mosque Architecture in Brunei


Merlin Franco on the Tradition Ecological Knowledge of the Ibans of Brunei about Hornbills


Dr. F. Merlin Franco’s IAS staff web page.

Franco, F. M. and Minggu, M. J. (2019). When the seeds sprout, the hornbills hatch: understanding the traditional ecological knowledge of the Ibans of Brunei Darussalam on hornbills. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 15: 46.

Jonathan Rigg on Agrarian Transformations and Rural-Urban Interactions


Jérôme Samuel on the Mutual Intelligibility between Indonesian and Malaysian Languages


Bruno Jetin on the Belt and Road Initiative and Social Science Research (Part 1)


Bruno Jetin on the Belt and Road Initiative and Social Science Research (Part 2)


Ooi Keat Gin and Victor T. King on the Pioneers of Southeast Asian Studies


Ooi Keat Gin Part on His Historical Encyclopedia of Southeast Asia and on Southeast Asian Studies


Ooi Keat Gin on World War II and Cold War Borneo Scholarship


Victor T. King on Tourism and Heritage (Part 1)


Victor T. King on Tourism and Heritage (Part 2)


Victor T. King on Tourism and Heritage (Part 3)
