IAS would like to congratulate Dr Chang-Yau Hoon’s promotion to Professor with effect from 03 December 2022. Professor Hoon joined IAS on 26 June 2016 as Associate Professor of Anthropology. Professor Hoon was the Director of Centre for Advanced Research from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2022. He is currently also a Visiting Senior […]
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HOON Chang Yau
CY Hoon is Professor of Anthropology at IAS, and former Director of Centre for Advanced Research (2017-2022) at the University of Brunei Darussalam. He is Visiting Senior Fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore, and Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia (UWA), where he obtained his PhD (with Distinction) in 2007. In his previous appointment at Singapore Management University, he received the SMU Teaching Excellence Award in 2012 and SMU Research Excellence Award in 2014.
Research Interests
• Chinese diaspora
• Identity politics
• Multiculturalism
• Multicultural education
• Religious and cultural diversity in Contemporary Indonesia and Southeast Asia
Select Publications
Hoon, C.Y. (2023) Christianity and the Chinese in Indonesia: Ethnicity, Education and Enterprise, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
Chan, Y.K. and Hoon, C.Y. (2023) Southeast Asia in China: Historical Entanglements and Contemporary Engagements, Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
Ananta, A., Hoon, C.Y. and Hamdan, M. (Eds.) (2023) Stability, Growth and Sustainability: Catalysts for Socio-economic Development in Brunei Darussalam, Singapore: ISEAS Publishing.
Hoon, C.Y., and Chan, Y.K. (Eds.) (2020) Chineseness in Motion: The Historicity of Nation and Contingency of Ethnicity in China and among the Chinese Diaspora, Springer.
Menkhoff, T., Chay, Y.W., Evers, H-D. and Hoon, C.Y. (Eds.) (2014) Catalysts of Change: Chinese Business in Asia, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. [https://doi.org/10.1142/8730]
Sai, S.M., & Hoon, C.-Y. (Eds.) (2013) Chinese Indonesians Reassessed: History, Religion and Belonging. London; New York: Routledge. [Access]
Hoon, C.Y. (2008) Chinese Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Culture, Politics and Media. Brighton; Portland: Sussex Academic Press. [Access]
Journal Articles
Ho, Debbie, Siti Munawwarah, Deyuan He, and Chang-Yau Hoon. (2023) “Silence over the Wire: Student Verbal Participation and the Virtual Classroom in the Digital Era”. Asia Pacific Education Review (published online: 10 March 2023).
Slesman, Ly, Chang-Yau Hoon, et al. (2023) “Can Money Buy Happiness?: Income and Multi-dimensional Life Satisfaction in Brunei Darussalam” Asian Development Review. 40(1): 113-150.
Jammes, Jeremy and Chang-Yau Hoon. (2022) “Religious Actors, Care, and Mood in the time of COVID-19”. Social Sciences and Missions, 35 (3-4): 217-235.
Hoon, Chang-Yau and Maria Fermin. (2022) “‘I Don’t Want to Be Called Anak Amah’: The Identity Conundrum of Biracial Filipino-Malay Bruneians”, International Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 18(2), 227-254.
Hanif Abdul Rahman, Armah Tengah, Yusnani Mohd Yusof, Ly Slesman, Chang-Yau Hoon, Khadizah H. Abdul-Mumin. (2022) “Predictors of satisfaction with life and health status of older people in Brunei: A gender comparative study”. International Journal of Public Health, 67: 165042.
Arifin, Evi; Chang-Yau Hoon, Slesman Ly and Abby Tan. (2022) “Self-rated Health and Perceived Environmental Quality in Brunei Darussalam: A cross-sectional study”, BMJ Open, 12: e060799.
Hoon, Chang Yau, and Shawatriqah Sahrifulhafiz (2021) “Negotiating Assimilation and Hybridity: The Identity of Chinese-Malays in Brunei Darussalam”, Journal of Chinese Overseas 17(1), pp.31-57
Sin Yee, Koh, Chang-Yau Hoon, and Noor Azam Hj Othman (2021) ‘“Mandarin Fever” and Chinese Language Learning in Brunei Middle Schools: Discrepant Discourses, Multifaceted Realities and Institutional Barriers’, Asian Studies Review 45(2), pp.325-344.
Esther Kuntjara and Chang-Yau Hoon, (2020) “Reassessing Chinese-Indonesian Stereotypes: Two decades after Reformasi”, South East Asia Research 28(2), pp.199-216.
Harjatanaya, Tracey, and Chang-Yau Hoon, (2020) “Politics of Schooling in Post-Suharto Indonesia: A Study of the Chinese Minority”, Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 50(1), pp.18-35.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, and Esther Kuntjara, (2019) “The Politics of ‘Mandarin Fever’ in Contemporary Indonesia: Resinicization, Economic Impetus, and China’s Soft Power”, Asian Survey, 59(3), pp. 573-594.
Hoon, Chang-Yau, (2019) “Continuity and Change: The Dynamics of Chineseness in Indonesia”, South East Asia: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 19, pp.1-13.
Hamdan, Mahani, and Hoon, Chang-Yau. (2019) “Brunei Darussalam: Making Strides with a Renewed Focus on the Future”, Southeast Asian Affairs, 46, pp.85-102. [DOI: 10.1525/as.2019.59.3.573]
Hoon, C.-Y. (2016) “Mapping Chineseness on the Landscape of Chinese Churches in Indonesia”. Asian Ethnicity, 17(2), 228-247. [Access]
Hoon, C.-Y. (2016) “Aspirations among Urban Christians in Contemporary Indonesia”. International Sociology, 31(4), 413-431. [Access]17
New Volume on Growth and Sustainability in Brunei Darussalam
Professor Chang-Yau Hoon of the Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam has recently co-edited a book with UBD colleagues Aris Ananta (Visiting Professor at CARe) and Mahani Hamdan (Director of IPS) on Stability, Growth and Sustainability: Catalysts for Socio-economic Development in Brunei Darussalam (Singapore: ISEAS). The book examines the current socio-economic development in […]
Read MoreNew Book on Southeast Asia and China
Professor Chang-Yau Hoon of the Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam has recently co-authored a book together with Ying-kit Chan of the National University of Singapore entitled Southeast Asia in China: Historical Entanglements and Contemporary Engagements (Lexington Books, 2023). This volume examines various interactions and connections between Southeast Asia and China, both historical […]
Read MoreIAS Working Paper on Chinese-Malay Identity in Brunei
The Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam is pleased to announce the publication of IAS Working Paper No. 42: The Cultural Identity of the Chinese-Malays in Brunei: Acculturation and Hybridity by Nur Shawatriqah Binti Hj Md Sahrifulhafiz and Chang-Yau Hoon. Please see below for details. Abstract: This paper explores the ways in which […]
Read MoreHoon Visiting Fellow ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute
CY Hoon was a Visiting Fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore, from June to July 2017; and the Network of ASEAN-China Academic Institutes Youth Visiting Scholar at Fudan University from October to November 2017.
Read MoreHoon Speaks at UNESCO International Peace Conference
Since joining UBD in July 2016, CY Hoon has been invited to speak at the UNESCO International Peace Conference in Paris, the ASEAN Forum in Sydney, ISEAS Conference on Chinese Indonesians in Singapore, International Think Tank Conference in Beijing, Soka International Seminar on Peace and Understanding in Singapore, SEASREP Workshop in Manila and Shanghai Forum […]
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