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IAS Working Paper on Labour Cazualization in Developing States

The Institute of Asian Studies at Universiti Brunei Darussalam is pleased to announce the publication of IAS Working Paper No 51: Rethinking the Limits of Public Service Labour Casualization in Developing States by Cordelia Belezaire. Please see below for details.

Abstract: In the last three decades, labour casualization has become synonymous with Public Service reform in many developing countries. Reforms were meant to restructure and streamline public service delivery by establishing a more flexible workforce. Yet, labour casualization brings with it significant uncertainties such as diminished security of tenure, minimal employment protections, and no guarantee of long-term employment prospects. The following paper considers the structural impact of casualization on labour relations and the ways in which it influences the effectiveness of public service delivery. It argues that despite popular views about the advantages of labour casualization, it is less than beneficial to public service delivery in the long-run. The levels of precariousness generated by excessive labour casualization are more likely than not to undercut morale and stifle the ability of public service workers to carry out their roles effectively.

Author: Cordelia Belezaire is a CARPIMS scholar from Belize who recently completed her MA in Governance Studies.

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